Celine Bodin, Sarah Eyre, Delphine Diallo, Eva Stenram, Pinar Yolacan
Lauriston Gallery 10 Sep 21 - 07 Nov 21
She Appeared to Vanish showcases work by international artists who question historical depictions of women in photography using strategies that disrupt, frustrate and challenge the camera’s unblinking gaze; a gaze historically associated with an objectifying male perspective.
Reaching beyond purely photographic methods, and drawing on wider traditions of painting, sculpture, surrealist collage and performance, the work in the exhibition asks the viewer, to consider the act of viewing the female form and its historical and contemporary implications.
The exhibition makes a virtue of difference with the work cutting across cultural and continental boundaries and traditions. And yet, for their diversity, an uncanny sense of mystery and tension permeates through all the work, each operating in the charged space between absence and presence; disguise and disclosure.
Curator: Mario Popham